Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Edgar Says I Love You

OK, I'm still working on a couple of other posts right now, so in the meantime, I'll post one of my stories.


By Adam La Rusic

When we had to go down to the room under the house I was scared because Mommy woke me up in the middle of the night.  Daddy let me bring my Edgar because he is my favourite toy.  Edgar is a elephant and he talks.

It was scary in the downstairs room because it was dark. I didn't like it and told Mommy so, but Mommy said we had to stay there.  Daddy had his ear to the radio. Mommy helped me play with Edgar.  When you pull his string Edgar says I love you.

Mommy cried a lot. I said to Daddy why don't we go to the park, but Daddy said we couldn't leave.  Were you bad, Daddy, I asked, because sometimes when I was bad I had to stay in my room.  Daddy said there was bad men out there and we had to hide from them.  I thought hide and seek was supposed to be fun, but this wasn't fun.

Daddy showed me a special hiding spot and said if the bad men came that I had to go in there.  I could only barely fit but it was a neat hiding spot.  I was sad when Mommy cried and I cried too.  She was really hot when she hugged me.  She held on tight and I had to squirm to get away.  Daddy would hold Mommy's hand, and I would sit in the corner and play with Edgar. 

I love you, said Edgar. I love you.

It got hot in the room, and I bet it was sunny outside.  I asked Daddy if I could go play outside, and he smiled and stroked my hair and said maybe in a while.

Later on Daddy said I had to be real quiet, and I heard boots stomping upstairs.  Mommy never lets me wear my shoes in the house.

Then the footsteps came downstairs.  Daddy put me in the hiding spot, but he was rough with me and I told him so.  He shushed me and said I had to be very brave and not make any noise no matter what.  He said he would be back soon.  Then I could go outside and play, Daddy told me.  I said OK.

There was a large crash and and lots of shouting.  It was easy to be quiet because it was scary.

After a while the voices went away, but I didn't come out, even after I got pins and needles in my feet, not until I was really sore.  Mommy and Daddy were gone.

Edgar was still there so I sat down and pulled his string and he said I love you.  Mommy is sure taking a long time, because it's past my bedtime and I haven't even had supper yet.  I'm hungry.  Edgar is my favorite toy and when you pull his string he says I love you.

The End

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